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    时间:2011-08-30 20:45来源: 作者:admin 点击:


    It was that last part about Zune devices that got me. While on the surface it could be read as “Microsoft is not going to leave Zune player owners out in the cold,” it also left me wondering if a Zune tablet might be in the works. And I’m not talking about tablets from other manufacturers running a Windows OS. I mean a Zune tablet.常德IT网

    When Microsoft softly killed PlaysForSure with the Zune, it should’ve made a clean sweep and replaced Windows Media Player with the Zune software. If people buying Windows computers over the past several years had gotten used to using Zune for everything like they do iTunes, there’s a good chance Apple wouldn’t own the space with its insufferable software. Regardless, the Zune software with

    Windows 7大概是很理想的小我私家电脑操纵系统,WP7也会是很好的手机平台,但要打造一款乐成的微软平板电脑,就必然得与Windows操纵系统划清界限,就算只有名字与Windows沾边也不可。任何运行带有“微软Windows”字眼的操纵系统的平板电脑,城市被视为另一款Windows小我私家电脑。在这方面,微软得向iOS和Android看齐,总之其平板电脑操纵系统务必去除“Windows”这个单词,重新积极别辟派别缔造一个全新的Zune操纵系统。Zune平板电脑不是PC,所以必然要将它的操纵系统独立出来。

    Needs to be the same price as the iPad

    当时微转用Zune取代PlaysForSure时,就应该做得更彻底一点,直接以Zune软件替代Windows Media Player。假如Windows电脑用户在已往几年中都已经养成了利用Zune的习惯,就仿佛苹果用户不能没有iTunes一样,那么可以想象iTunes这款令人难以忍受的软件不行能还能有本日的职位。其它,Zune软件以及Zune Marketplace实在是平板电脑理想的媒体及应用打点平台,Zune Pass提供的无限制音乐流这一处事,已经比iTunes更超前,甚至在苹果推出本身的音乐交际网站之前,它就已经建设了本身的交际网络。若是微软还能在个中添加音乐和视频的云储存成果,Zune平板电脑的成长潜力就更不容小觑了。

    Standard ports instead of a proprietary connector


    But, like the Zune player, is it too late for Microsoft to get in and become a leader in the category instead of a footnote? I don’t think so, but it’ll have to act fast. Here’s what it would take to make a solid entry in the category.

    在本年3月14日,微软终于公布停产Zune播放器,固然这款产物已经错失与苹果iPod角逐市场的良机,但仍然把握了不少粉丝。至少微软已经看出这个品牌僻静台的存在代价,据微软公司的一份声明所称,“我们将过Xbox、PC、Windows Phone 7和Zune设惫亓Zune软件,提供最棒的影戏、音乐和电视节目体验……”

    I’m not a software developer, but it seems like it wasn’t too difficult for iPhone app developers to tweak what they already had to run on the iPad. All the key apps that most people would want to start off with on a tablet are available for Windows Phone 7 and Xbox Live, so a Zune tablet would have no problem out of the gate. Add in easy access to Office Web apps, so Microsoft Office users can see immediate value, and you’re set. And before the iPhone users get all “we have 350,000 apps to choose from” on me, everyone knows most of them are crap. And really, think about how many apps you use regularly; I’m sure you can get by with only a couple thousand apps being available at launch.

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