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    时间:2011-08-30 20:45来源: 作者:admin 点击:
    According to a statement issued to CNET by a Microsoft representative, its absolutely committed to providing the best movies, music, and TV show experiences through Zune on Xbox, the PC, Windows Phon

    According to a statement issued to CNET by a Microsoft representative, it’s “absolutely committed to providing the best movies, music, and TV show experiences through Zune on Xbox, the PC, Windows Phone 7, and Zune devices.”



    Over-the-air updates and syncing

    Full Xbox and Xbox Live integration


    Zune software for everything

    固然我们都不是软件开发者,但iPhone应用可以移植到iPad,所以WP7、Xbox Live的应用措施在Zune平板电脑上运行也应该不是什么问题。再加上微软强大的办公网页应用,这样上班族就会顿时发明这款产物的代价。固然有不少iPhone用户都很孤高地宣称,“我们有35万款应用的富厚选择”,但游戏邦以为大大都人都心知肚明,这35款产物中的非活泼应用占据了相当的比例。更何况,很多应用城市沦为一次性试用品,用户逐日必需会见的应用并不多。



    iPad的30-pin专用端口可花了苹果不少钱,但却鲜有用户暗示,“这个专用端口真让人满意!”所以微软应该以此为诫,不行依赖Zune的专用毗连口,得回收microSD、Micro-HDMI和Micro-USB这三个端口。将端口祼露在装备外貌很影响视觉美感,但微软可以效仿三星Series 9条记本电脑的做法,将端口隐在不显眼的处所。可以将插卡槽配置在两个端口之间,使它们互相离隔必然的间隔,以防备端口连线缠绕在一起。

    就像Zune播放器一样,Zune平板电脑的硬件装备也必然得出自微软之手。因为这样才利便统一技能标准,让应用措施的运行越发便捷,更有助于推出新成果,提供装备的技能支持,办理平台分手性的问题。Zune HD是一款很养眼的产物,它证明微软完全有本领计划出招人喜欢的硬件装备。游戏邦以为微软实在可以推出10英寸、运行全新操纵系统的Zune HD。不是也有人说过,iPad实在就是一个超等的iPod Touch吗?


    Is there any reason–legal or otherwise–manufacturers can’t make a tablet with the same dimensions as an iPad? I understand that before the iPad came out it would have been difficult to make one, but what’s stopping manufacturers from making something the same size now? One of the reasons people like Apple’s products are the available accessories, and if you can take advantage of Made for iPad stuff, why wouldn’t you? Microsoft couldn’t come out and say, “hey, you can use our Zune tablet with iPad cases,” but I’m pretty sure people would figure it out on their own.

    Microsoft needs to be the only hardware manufacturer

    Needs the same dimensions as the iPad

    支持Adobe Flash技能


    Windows 7 might be a good computer OS and Windows Phone 7 might be a good mobile platform, but a successful Microsoft tablet will need to be separated from the Windows OS, even if it’s just in name. Any tablet running a version of anything with the words “Microsoft Windows” will be thought of as just another Windows PC. Microsoft needs its own iOS, its own Android OS. It needs to drop “Windows” for its tablet operating system and create a Zune OS. A Zune tablet should not be a full PC, so let’s keep this OS clean and simple, OK?



    Back on March 14, Microsoft confirmed plans to discontinue making its Zune player, a device that arrived a little too late to be a successful challenger to Apple’s iPod, but nonetheless had plenty of fans. At least enough that Microsoft still sees value in the brand and platform.

    Just like it did with the Zune player, a Zune tablet needs to strictly come from Microsoft. It makes developing apps easier, rolling out new features simpler, device support better, and kills any fragmentation arguments. The Zune HD is a nice-looking device, so there’s proof Microsoft can design attractive hardware. And actually, there’s no reason it can’t just be a 10-inch Zune HD with an updated OS. After all, didn’t everyone call the iPad a supersize iPod Touch?



    No Windows 7

    绑定Xbox和Xbox Live成果


    I know I just made an argument for having ports, but I see no reason why a Zune tablet shouldn’t have OTA updates and the ability to do wireless syncing with the Zune software. It’s something that’s sorely needed in the iPad and would give Microsoft an edge. While I’m at it, add NFC to the list.

    How a Zune tablet could beat Apple and Android


    A Zune tablet needs to be seen as a legitimate competitor to the iPad, so selling it for more is out of the question and selling it for less cheapens the product. As long as its performance and specs are on par with the iPad, Microsoft should have no problem moving units.



    弃用Windows 7操纵系统


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